
Home improvements soar as working from home increases


Home improvements soar as working from home increases

As more and more people are now working safely from home under instruction from the government, and employees are being furloughed, we are spending more time than ever in our homes.  Looking around the kitchen from my hastily built work station I can see 10 DIY issues I’d love to sort out immediately.  Of course, these are not essential repairs so I cannot leave the house to purchase equipment.  And I have to remember the reason Im at home in the first place!

Like me there are thousands of people across the nation with similar thoughts – about their doors and windows.  ‘Why is it so draughty’ and ‘Look at the state of that paintwork’ and don’t forget ‘Our windows are an eyesore, they need replaced!’.  As so many window and door companies are now temporarily closed, you can still have a go at designing and building your perfect dream door on our online Apeer Doorbuilder feature.  And if you take a pic of the front of your house you can even add your dream door to the pic, and see how it will really look on the front of your house!

Social distancing might keep us apart for now, but technology means we can still research and sample the products we need, and with more time spent at home than in the office, we can see how high quality doors and windows are now more of a necessity, than a luxury.

Happy designing!!

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